From helping someone with their luggage to complimenting a stranger – often it’s the smallest and simplest of gestures that can mean the most.
One cup of coffee, one smile, one conversation – that’s all it takes to transform someone’s day.
To help lift others up and project those good vibes out into the universe, here’s 50 ideas to inspire kindness not just today but every day.
1 Read stories to school children
2 Donate blood
3 Bake something nice to bring into work
4 Leave positive notes in random places
5 Give chocolate to delivery drivers
6 Help someone with their bags or buggy
7 Buy someone in the queue a coffee
8 Volunteer at a homeless shelter
9 Cook an elderly neighbour a roast dinner or invite them round for a cup of tea
10 Go litter picking in your local park
11 Buy a cinema ticket for the person behind you
12 Leave your waiter a generous tip
13 Lend a friend your favourite book
14 Smile at a stranger
15 Call your grandparents to tell them you love them
16 Donate clothes and toys to charity
17 Give a stranger a compliment and mean it
18 Organise a fundraiser and raffle
19 Buy someone a lottery ticket or scratch card
20 Write someone a card to tell them how awesome they are
21 Send someone some surprise flowers. No reason necessary!
22 Comment something positive on Instagram
23 Leave some change in a car park machine for the next person
24 Teach someone to cook a delicious recipe
25 Pay for someone’s shopping
26 Drop some flowers round at your friend’s house

27 Write a little message for your work colleagues and drop them off on their desks before they come into work
28 Offer a friend a lift
29 Offer some words of encouragement to a colleague
30 Sign up to be an organ donor
31 Offer to take a photo of a group of friends or a couple
32 Leave a positive review for a local business
33 Give your seat up on the bus
34 Do a friend’s laundry
35 Start a piggy bank for a good cause
36 Donate to someone’s Just Giving fund
37 Give a friend a non-appearance based compliment
38 Send someone you know a cute self-care package
39 Offer to babysit for free
40 Give someone a big ol’ hug
41 Tell a new mum she’s doing a great job
42 Write a nice comment on a blog post you’ve enjoyed
43 Surprise your parents with a spontaneous visit
44 Text a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while to arrange a catch-up
45 Let someone go in front of you in the traffic
46 Write a positive review of a book you loved
47 Let someone go before you in the queue
48 Volunteer at an animal shelter
49 Post thank you cards to your local hospital to let the staff know they are appreciated
50 Post a small gift through your neighbour’s letterbox