There’s just something about those crisp days and all that hygge hype
Listen, when it comes to Autumn, we all shamelessly lose our sh*t. There’s just something about those crisp days and all that hygge hype that gets the people going. So why fight it?
We’re all for giving in to our basic bitch instincts and just letting October run amok with our senses. With that in mind, here are 20 things to do this month.
1 Transition your Insta feed. Go get that autumn aesthetic
2 Watch Enola Holmes – it’s the cosy, comforting, feminist film we all need rn. God bless you, Netflix.
3 Delight in the breath-taking television that is Bake Off
4 Stock up on your pumpkin scented candles. Get hoardin’ those sweet gourdy wicks
5 Start using the word hygge to describe everything again…
6 Even though you’re not entirely convinced you know how to pronounce it, so you just end up making a noise that sounds partly like a word but mostly like a burp
7 Turn your clocks back an hour…
8 And have the great bi-annual debate – wait, does this mean we’re gaining an hour or losing an hour? Nobody knows. Just hibernate, eat your cinnamon buns and be done with it
9 Stand in the shower for 10 minutes longer than you need to because it’s cold out there and the journey to the towel is just too treacherous
10 Collect a bunch of conkers for absolutely no reason other than LOOK HOW SHINY THEY ARE
11 Proceed to test out conker vs spider theory
12 Conveniently forget to shave. Armpits ‘n’ legs are hibernating, why disturb them?
13 Consider how the socks and sandals thing is actually really rather practical
14 Dedicate at least one caption to F. Scott Fitzgerald: “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall”
15 (Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it) Take a photo stood in a pile of leaves. Extra points if there’s a squirrel present
16 Buy a new knit and convince yourself you’ll wear it all the time, even though it’s itchy af. Narrator: she will never wear it
17 Wee yourself a little bit at the thought of pumpkin picking
18 Reunite with the Sanderson Sisters. All these years later and here we are, still finding Thackery Binx attractive
19 Cook up some pumpkin pancakes. We know a great little recipe. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
20 Spook up your home ready for Halloween with seasonal touches. Translation: hang up a bat garland and some of that really annoying cobweb stuff on your mantel, sigh and sit back down again