Weekly Wants: Cosy Home Buys

This week Team Zoella have picked out the top tier cosy additions we'll be adding to our homes in the coming weeks, from Halloween homages, feel-good Fall furnishings to full-blown Christmas cosiness.

A spiced pumpkin candle, hot bubble bath, a Netflix night under a fluffy blanket = BLISS

For those loyal and committed homebodies out there, an autumn season at indoors is 10/10 on the list of things you love about the newfound crisp chill in the air. A spiced pumpkin candle, hot bubble bath, a Netflix night under a fluffy blanket = BLISS. But perhaps after seven months spent mostly at home, you’re feeling a little cabin fever-y, and who could blame you! Our homes are our sanctuary, and in turbulent times like these, making it feel warm, welcoming and somewhere you can thrive in is so important.

This week Team Zoella have picked out the top tier cosy additions we’ll be adding to our homes in the coming weeks, from Halloween homages, feel-good Fall furnishings to full-blown Christmas cosiness. Add some warmth to your space with a new rug or blankets, or see how early you can get away with casual fairy lights and Xmas candles before your s/o or housemate goes full-on Scrooge at you.

The power of mood lighting mulled wine and pyjamas on the radiator is not one to be questioned. All aboard the train of festive fun, we’re ready for you.

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