Between You And Me: Answering Your Problems Part 10

In the penultimate series of Between You And Me 2020, we’re covering everything from establishing some healthy boundaries with the mother-in-law, how to tell your mum you’re gay, career advice and how to manage sex-based panic attacks.

Hey, life goes tits up sometimes and while sharing your problems doesn’t magically make them disappear nor solve them, it can definitely help put things in perspective

In the penultimate series of Between You And Me 2020, we’re covering everything from establishing some healthy boundaries with the mother-in-law, how to tell your mum you’re gay, career advice and how to manage sex-based panic attacks. Hey, life goes tits up sometimes and while sharing your problems doesn’t magically make them disappear nor solve them, it can definitely help put things in perspective and provide you with the clarity you need to approach the problem effectively.

Here’s a look at the team’s answers to this month’s BYAM life dilemmas.