Hello my love!
I think a lot of the time, we’re fooled into thinking we all stay the same throughout our lives and we should stick to liking the same things or being the exact same person we were 10 years ago but we’re fluid beings – we kind of rely on change as a means of personal growth. Our weight fluctuates, our tastes in interiors change our fashion sense evolves as we get older and really, what makes us happy in our careers is no different, it’s always in a state of flux and subject to change. So, when it comes down to knowing what you want to do with your life, it’s inevitable that we’re going to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it. It’s a big existential ask! Instead of thinking about what we want to do with our lives, let’s look at the here and now and what you want to do with THAT. Then the prospect of signing up to this one career path for the rest of our lives doesn’t seem so scary and final.
If writing and creativity is what really feeds your soul and quiets your mind, then you should absolutely prioritise that. You don’t always need to be writing for someone else, if writing is something that grounds you and brings you back to yourself, then doing it for you is 100% enough. I feel the same way about reading and writing – they’re top tier self-care activities for me. A blog is a great starting point – definitely set one up. It’s a great way to hold yourself accountable for writing regularly, whether that’s once a week or once a month, just start somewhere. From a career perspective, it’s also essentially a portfolio/cv of all your work – great for prospective employers.
Keep a notepad next to your bed so you can scribble down ideas that come to you at the most random of times. I also use my notes on my phone whenever I come across nice words or ideas that spring to mind when I’m out walking, it’s a godsend. Writing snippets of ideas down also alleviates some of the pressure of coming up with your best idea then and there – nothing is more terrifying than a blank page or a blank word doc.
All the while you’ve got this other job ticking along and paying the bills put the feelers out for creative jobs (social media is a great place to look for writing positions / creative studios that might need contributors for copy). I think the biggest crime would be to starve yourself of that creativity that clearly offers you a great deal of fulfilment, so definitely start writing again. You’ll never know where it could take you. Best of luck, let us know how you get on, I’d love to read your content 🙂 Lareese Xx