13 Questions With Katie Snooks

Katie has been creating content online for over 10 years and she covers an incredible range of topics, from acne, to birth control, from how to get over a breakup to going on Tinder dates, to body confidence and sex toys. Find out what she's up to at the moment...

First of all, how are you and how are you finding 2021 so far?

Being totally honest, I am STRUGGLING with 2021. I have zero motivation and have a complete lack of confidence in myself, so even getting out of bed before 9:30 am is an achievement! I’m trying to focus on the things we have to look forward to – spring, the days getting longer and each day being closer to spending time with family!

Can you talk us through your career online and how it’s evolved?

I started a beauty blog in 2010 whilst I was doing my photography degree – I just loved talking about makeup with this awesome online community whilst taking nice pictures to match! After university, I started working in social media and ran the Twitter/FB/Insta accounts for beauty brands and every evening and weekend I would write blog posts and film YouTube videos for my own platforms!  I then took the plunge to quit my day job and focus on content creating full time which I feel so lucky to be able to do!

What can people expect from you online in terms of the topics you tackle?

I want to inspire, empower and make people feel confident and beautiful within themselves, whilst chatting openly about topics all women experience growing up!  From acne, to birth control, from how to get over a breakup to going on Tinder dates, to body confidence and sex toys, I like to talk to my followers as I would a best friend… no topic is too taboo.

What are your top tips for staying motivated during the pandemic?

Firstly don’t put too much pressure on yourself, we all need days to wallow and mope around and feel a bit hopeless because of this bizarre situation we’re all in.  Don’t write a huge to-do list and feel awful about yourself if you don’t get it done – everything you accomplish is an achievement, from taking some time to self care to putting a knicker wash on, to writing an email and showing up virtually to your friends, be kind to yourself and you’ll feel more motivated!

What advice would you give to someone wanting to create content online?

Start now! Don’t put it off for another day.  Also please try not to compare yourself to what everyone else is doing and instead just focus on creating content that you enjoy and would want to see yourself. My other biggest tip is consistency – create a little schedule and try to stick to it, whether that be to post 3 Instagrams and week and one YouTube video every Monday; it’s nice for your followers to look forward to your content.

What would you say is your biggest achievement to date?

In 2017 after documenting my acne journey on my YouTube channel, I presented my own BBC Newsbeat documentary all about acne to really understand just how much it can impact confidence and self love.  I am SO proud that sharing my imperfections helped so many people and lead me to such a great opportunity like that!

What are you currently working on?

I’ve just started a new Instagram advice series which I’m really excited about as I think it’ll help lots of people. My first was about gaslighting and emotional manipulation in relationships and I’ve also got topics coming up like the best chat up lines to use on dating apps to my top tips for acne prone skin!  My dream is to also publish a book one day, I’ve written my first novel and I’m about to start plotting my second, so fingers crossed that dream becomes a reality one day!

Who are some of your favourite follows online?

Thought I’d take this opportunity to share some of my all time favourite black content creators – these girls are amazing.






If you weren’t an online content creator what do you think you’d be doing for a living?

It’s always been a dream of mine to be a forensic criminologist/forensic photographer. If I had time I would love to study this! More realistically however, I think I’d make a great blogger/street style photographer and after having photographed some weddings in the past, I’d love to do that full time too!

What do you always carry with you?

Lipstick, my kindle and Bluetooth headphones for podcasts! My favourite podcasts are My Favourite Murder for true crime and the Off Menu podcast because I love food!

What does your perfect weekend look like?

A lazy day with my fiancé which would definitely start with brunch – hash browns, scrambled eggs and loads of sriracha, followed by lots of tea and reading books on the sofa. I’m currently obsessed with Stardew Valley on the Nintendo switch so probably some of that and then a nice meal out with my besties!  Lockdown has definitely made me appreciate the small moments in life.

If you could only eat one meal again what would it be?

Hardest question ever. World food buffet? So I could get my world cuisine takeaway fix all at once – spring rolls, sag paneer, Thai curry all at the same time (lol)!  Isn’t it sad to think buffets might not exist after COVID! Too unhygienic.

If you could give one positive message to our followers what would it be?

If you’re struggling with confidence or low self-image, remember that your ‘imperfections’, quirks and flaws are what make you, you.  Embrace them, stand proud and be unapologetic about them!