Between You And Me Answering Your Problems Part 13

This month we're tackling feuds with boys, pill troubles, hair loss, love triangles, masturbation and more. So keep reading to see what we had to say, you might just identify with one of our lovely readers yourself, and feel free to comment on this post if you have some advice you think is worth sharing too.

Welcome back to another instalment of our modern age agony aunt series Between You and Me. A chance for our audience to ask WWYD and we can give out our Millenial 2 cents free of charge!

This month we’re tackling feuds with boys, pill troubles, hair loss, love triangles, masturbation and more. So keep reading to see what we had to say, you might just identify with one of our lovely readers yourself, and feel free to comment on this post if you have some advice you think is worth sharing too.

If you’re in need of a bit of sisterly advice and you’d like to ask WWYD, email and we’ll do our best to come back with some solid life advice.