Hello lovely person,
When I say I could have written this letter, I am not joking. I had pretty much the exact same situation when I was at Uni. To the point where I text the person in question to ask if they were playing a trick on me – Spoiler Alert, we’re still friends.
I was you in this situation. When I met said person it was first-year uni, he had a girlfriend and we decided to live together before feelings started to develop. He was my best friend in the world and you probably don’t want to hear this but within a year, we wouldn’t even look at each other. It stayed like that for a good few years unfortunately.
It’s so hard to give advice. On one hand, I’m like park it where you are, otherwise, you’ll lose him and potentially other people along the way. But on the other hand, everything worked out well for me. It took a while but the guy I was kind of with/not with is my friend again now, he’s in a happy relationship and I’m even friends with his new partner!
I will say try your best to keep other people out of it. So many of our mutual friends felt like they had to choose sides and we both ended up losing people. Not necessarily a bad thing, but best to keep it as is between just you two for the time being.
The main thing I would say to you is, Uni is potentially the best years of your life. Please don’t waste that lusting over someone that doesn’t want you right now and harsh as it is, might never want you. Go out and have all the fun with your friends and just live in the moment. If things change with his girlfriend you can revisit, but for now, just focus on yourself.
Although probably unhelpful right now, just believe that everything happens for a reason. And that it all works out fine in the end.
Sending you so much love in an understandably difficult time. I promise one day you’ll look back with fond memories over someone you loved that taught you important life lessons.
Love Holly xx