Between You and Me: Your Problems Answered Part 18

Trained therapists we are not but what we lack in PhDs, we make up for with our honest hunks of friendly but fair advice. We’re all fallible humans just trying to muddle through life as best we can!

From struggles with home life after uni to dealing with a break that turned into a break-up, we’re back with our monthly serving of life advice… because sometimes you just need to ask someone impartial on the internet what they would do in your situation.

Trained therapists we are not but what we lack in PhDs, we make up for with our honest hunks of friendly but fair advice. We’re all fallible humans just trying to muddle through life as best we can. Mistakes are inevitable, breakups suck and anxiety happens but when you have a system of support around you and the space to talk it out, positive change and personal growth doesn’t seem like such an impossible thing to wrap your head around, after all.

Consider this your window to rant – we’re all ears!