First off, how are you and how is your 2021 going?
Thank you for asking, you know, 2021 has been far more hopeful for me (and for everyone I think!) and I’m feeling more focused.
Can you tell us about your career online and how it has evolved?
The origins of Bambi Does Beauty started way back during University (I created a print fashion magazine titled Bambi as my dissertation piece). As I got older, my interest in beauty was more heightened than ever, and that’s when Bambi Does Beauty was born. Originally it was Youtube and blog posts, then Instagram became my outlet. First, there were shelfies and the occasional selfie, now I’ve turned the brand into something more (I hope!) – skincare information and guidance for my audience, alongside an insight into my mental health journey with my posts #BambiDoesLife with a big old dose of aesthetic thrown in for good measure!
We love your IG bio ‘A less is more approach to beauty’ – what can people expect from your content online?
Thank you! My content has definitely diversified, originally it was just pretty pictures, now I want to educate, guide and relate to the people who choose to follow me. My story highlights are where you’d find most of my educational skincare content, tips and tricks and “Skinfo”. Then there’s #BambiDoesLife, possibly my most exposing content series to date. I feel so happy to be able to share who I really am, what I’ve felt and have a bit more of a laugh, and for it to have been received so well!
We know skincare is just important if not more important than makeup, what are some of your top tips for glowing skin?
Hydrate hydrate hydrate! Not just plonking on a heavy moisturiser but actually layering different textures to get a long lasting dew. I’m also a fan of chemical exfoliation, it can be a real pick me up for skin that’s looking dull and tired.
People often neglect the skin on their bodies, what are some of your most-used body brands?
This is so true! Up until a few years ago that was me too. I have a memory of someone commenting on how scaly my legs were and that’s just stuck with me! So now I’m really dedicated to my body care routine, and my legs are dolphin soft now haha. I love an exfoliating body cream – it does all the hard work for you without needing to scrub. I adore the Gallinee Body Milk, Dr Dennis Gross Body Peel Pads, Amanda Harrington Glycolic Body Scrub, and you can’t go wrong with a big tub of CeraVe moisturising cream!
Can you tell us about some of the features you host on your IG?
I’m loving hosting my latest feature, Skinfo. It’s basically a Q&A format where my followers enter their skincare questions, and you’ll not be surprised to hear that most people have the exact same concerns! I love that this is just there on my highlights for everyone to refer or just to have a nosey. I’m also really enjoying putting together Guides, (Instagram’s newest feature) where I collate my Top Ten products from each skincare category at different price points, I update this when a new fave comes in too!
We love your Glamour column! How do you find inspiration for topics?
Thank you! It often just pops into my head! I can be lying in bed and be like “Aaaah that’s it!” and once I have a concept I’m ready to write. I don’t tend to plan them out, I like to write freely and from personal experience.
What are you currently working on?
A few things will be changing for me in the next few months and I’m really excited for the next chapter! I’m working on building longer-term relationships with brands, and continuing to build an informative platform that encompasses humour and reality. In the hope it will help or perhaps inspire my audience (particularly my younger audience) to have confidence in themselves.
Who are some of your favourite beauty follows online?
I adore me some LC, that’s @laucapon on Instagram! Everything she puts out brings me joy, and it’s not often you can say that about a person online. I’m also really enjoying Dr Soma, @dr.somaskin, she shares such informative skincare knowledge but makes it accessible and quite visual too. Lastly, I love Peony, @peonylim, she has such a kind and humble presence, and for someone so beautiful who shares such luxurious content, I think that’s very rare and special.
What does your perfect weekend look like?
Ooooh, I’ve lost sight of weekends! It would probably be either a trip to a Cotswolds spa with my Mum, eating scones and getting massages. I also love visiting where I grew up down South, my Dad and I are planning a visit this Summer and I can’t wait for all the nostalgia!
What do you always carry with you?
It used to be my phone but I’ve started banning myself from it when I go to bed until I’m up the next day. So at the moment, I’d say my Milk Makeup Lip Mask (it’s the best product I’ve ever used on my lips!).
What would your last ever meal be?
Literally, this is something I think about a lot haha. At the moment it would be my mum’s homemade vodka pasta, followed by a box of Krispy Kremes. Lol.
What is one positive piece of advice you could give to our audience?
Do you, it’ll pay off in the end.