First off, how are you and how is your 2021 going?
I’m great thank you! 2021 has been a tough one if I’m being completely honest. 2020 was a year of growth and adjustment and it’s been a challenge keeping that momentum going, growing our team developing the nuddy brand further.
Can you tell us about Nuddy and what inspired you to start it?
nuddy is a plastic-free body & hair brand which I started back in 2018. I was working in creative marketing and or at the time. I had a real passion for branding and loved using soap bars. I spotted a gap in the market, put the two together, decided to quit my job, move back in with my parents and bring my idea to life. 3 years on and it’s been quite the journey, they say good things take time and I definitely agree. I’ve learnt a lot.
Why was it so important to you to make soap cool again?
I really loved using soap bars, most of my friends thought it was really weird and just related them to their granny’s or hotel rooms. I knew they were a much more sustainable option for consumers so I wanted to get rid of the negative stigma attached and make them more desirable and ‘cool’ again.
Sustainability is obviously at the heart of your brand, how hard is it to create a product completely free of plastic?
Sustainability really is at the heart of the brand. It’s been challenging. Soap was easy as it already existed. Our Shampoo bars were a big challenge as I myself am SO particular about the type of products I use on my hair as I have a sensitive scalp. We went back and forth for months developing the formulation. We’ve just finished developing our facial cleansing bars which has been the same sort of process. Our bars are formulated exactly the same way as liquid counterparts minus the excess aqua (water) and the need for a plastic bottle to hold it.
Can you tell us about your brass safety razor?
Our safety razors have been a huge hit! They’re very much an old school razor, back to basics. One sharp single stainless steel blade which is all you need to do the trick. The method of shaving with them is different though, you need time. It’s not a quick whip of the legs in the shower job. Just like at a barber, they’re very careful with the blade, you need to be careful with our razors too. They won a Cosmo beauty award this summer and have had a ton of press. They really are the cutest razors you’ve ever seen (it says that inside the pack).
What would you say is the biggest success for Nuddy so far?
Our biggest success so far is managing to secure a retail deal with our top target, Sainsbury’s. We’ve been working on this deal for a long time and to finally get the go-ahead and be launching into 83 stores nationwide is just unreal. I cried in the hairdressers when I found out. It was like all our hard work had finally paid off. We want to make our products more accessible to everyone, now we can.
What advice would you give for someone wanting to start their own brand?
Take your time to research your market and understand your consumer. Find a problem and fix it. Your brand needs to have a story and real depth to it. You also have to be fully obsessed with your mission, why people should buy your product. Most of your time will be spent persuading consumers to take a punt on you and buy your products so there better be a really good reason why they should do that!
What are you currently working on?
We’re getting all geared up for Christmas right now but we’re also working on the launch of our facial cleansing bars, one for acne and one for combo skin. I’m so proud of them. And also a range of body scrubs, creams and masks. Very exciting indeed.
Do you have any favourite sustainable follows on Instagram?
A very long list but if I had to pick my top sustainable follows they would be – influencer wise, Venetia, brand-wise, HANX, &sisters
What does your perfect weekend look like?
My perfect weekend is spending time with my wonderful friends and family, going out for dinner and a few cocktails then having a long walk and a roast on a lazy Sunday! Dreaaaamy.
What do you always carry with you?
My phone. I am fully addicted, I hate to admit it, but I work mostly from my phone, it’s never too far from me.
What would your last ever meal be?
A big bowl of pasta, like a really big bowl. I always make enough for two people and eat it all myself.
What is one positive piece of advice you could give to our audience?
Always be unapologetically yourself. Sometimes that’s really tough as you feel like you need to fit in or do things a certain way. Just stay true to yourself, that will take you far.