Denim: Completed it. An Extensive Run Down of the Best, Essential Pairs of Jeans In Every Cut
Whether you're about the flared, ripped, mom, skinny, straight leg or relaxed cut, finding the brand and fit of jeans that make you feel 10/10 in front of the mirror is always worth your time...
Now we know what you’re thinking: shopping for denim is up there with buying activewear or bin bags- part of an entirely non-enjoyable shopping experience but a sadly necessary one. But it’s worth pausing to remember that if there’s one small comfort that can be found from lockdown (along with lunch time showers and pyjama bottom Zoom calls) it’s being able to curate, order, try on and decide on your difficult-to-find clothing items from the comfort of your cosy bedroom. Hello post pandemic dinner looks- finding the perfect ‘jeans and a nice top’ bottoms just got a wholeee lot easier.
Denim shopping is the pinnacle of long-term wardrobe gratification that’s worth the initial struggle.
With that being said, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the extensive mom, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend (aunt and uncle jeans anyone?) debacle, you’ve come to the right place! Not only are there endless styles to choose from, but the choice of where to spend your money can be a confusing one too. At one end of the spectrum we have the likes of Gap, Topshop, Mango and Zara- the locations you might want to frequent for your trend led denim picks like flares or super relaxed, wide leg jeans you know only work for certain looks and moods. But combine these picks with your ride or die, ‘can’t live without’ jeans from Levi’s, Frame, & Other Stories and Abercrombie and boom, jean wardrobe: completed it. Narrowing down and checking out the contenders for your perfect fit jeans might not be as easy as your Friday night takeaway ordering (stuffed crust x2 please), but denim shopping is the pinnacle of long-term wardrobe gratification that’s worth the initial struggle.
Whether you’re about the flared, ripped, mom, skinny, straight leg or relaxed cut, finding the brand and fit of jeans that make you feel 10/10 in front of the mirror is always worth your time…
High Waisted
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